Beta 0.5 - skins

- optimized the game a bit, reducing file size

- co-op is now a setting, and the co-op button will now toggle based on whether co-op is enabled or not 

- added a button for opening the settings file

- dashing is now calculated differently, which cause so if you aim the dash with mouse so it will be more consistent with keyboard and joystick dash

- vSync now tested and is working

- found a calculation method for the shadow on text, and improved shadow placements on all text that include shadow

- there is now a transition when you die, unless you turned on skip death cutscene

- you can now choose in settings whether you aim the bullet with your movement or mouse/right joystick

- enemies now flash when hit, when flashing the enemy will stop moving. flashing time is 0.15 seconds

- very small and sudden change of the red enemy bullet sprite (~2 pixels)

- upgraded the projectile physic

- added skins

- added a custom cursor for easier aim

- changed shooting mechanic to improve bullet speed consistency no matter of cursor location

- changed resolution to make the game look better

- when having missing settings (like when updating to a new version with a new setting), it'll add it to the file

- change default settings a bit

- new egg: sword egg, the egg holds a sword which he uses to deflect incoming eggs

- fixed magnet egg mechanic


egg game beta 0.5 26 MB
16 days ago

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