beta 0.3.7 - big update

explosions now have additional lighting on them self to make them more lighted

new eggs:

1. eggon

- smaller than normal eggs

- have 3 different sprites that are chosen randomly

- faster than normal eggs

- cannot spawn naturally

2. egg²

- bigger than normal eggs

- has 3hp

- will probably get a slight redesign in future

- when close enough (slightly larger range than ranged egg) it will summon an eggon every 0.5

- will spawn at level 3 rates (as rare as shield dash egg)

big explosions now kill all enemies in range again.

only the first 5 enemies to die by a big explosion will do an explosion effect to prevent crashing.

added a fail safe for when i forget to turn off god mode before build (also fixed last update's god mode issue)

better button lighting + emissive button now on pause menu too

added a simple score system, it will show on top of screen eggs shot, enemies killed, time survived

when the player dies (only then so don't get a rage quit) it will save your score to a .txt file placed in "C:\Users\(user)\AppData\LocalLow\ilay\the egg game" (this might change in future)

when it saves it will also save a kill/shots ratio so you can brag on your aim

ranged enemies will now hold their weapon and aim at the player, if a ranged enemy has a shield it will hold the shield (will still shoot) until it will break and will switch to his weapon


hope you will enjoy the update, next update will come with:


(maybe) co-op

some balance changes

better score system (will record more things)


new unity game beta 0.3.7 27 MB
Aug 23, 2024

Get egg game

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